If you didn't hear or missed the opportunity the City hosted a "Community Night Out" this past Saturday night. The original date was rained out from a week ago and rescheduled this past Saturday, August 1st at Roscoe Roof Park.
Carlisle Daily stopped by for a few minutes and mingled with the crowd and was able to talk with many familiar faces and some new. It was a great event hosted by the City and City Council. Many of the members of council were present along with a few that are running for City Council. The Fire Department, Police Department, and Franklin Township departments were present, as well.
The City was giving out free hot dogs and water, providing hayrides for the family, games for the kids, and cornhole for all ages. It was a great night to just get out and hang out with other residents of Carlisle.
There was also a booth set up by Western Southern Financial Group for Children's Fingerprinting kits and many families were taking advantage of this free service. It is safe to say that you have not been able to get your children fixed up with a fingerprint kit somewhere, please do not hesitate and do it for the safety of them. Thanks to Western Southern for providing this FREE service to our community's children.
The City of Franklin, also, brought over their Fire Safety House for families to gain knowledge and information about Fire Safety in your home and area.
All in all it was a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of some FREE fun in these times were many families are tight on money and getting a night out or a vacation is extremely costly.
Thanks to the City and its Council for providing this FREE event to the community! Hopefully, we will see more events such as these to take advantage of and that it will be heavily promoted so that the entire community can be involved.
http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/city-hosts-community-night-out.html?showComment=1249409026333#c7433342336902540989'> August 4, 2009 at 11:03 AM
By the city manager and 3-4 council people not showing up for this event, what does that show the public about their concerns for the city????
http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/city-hosts-community-night-out.html?showComment=1249412715947#c3986250234332736204'> August 4, 2009 at 12:05 PM
I was enough fortunate to be able to attend the event with my parents, wife and daughter. I met some wonderful people and had a chance to reunite with some old friends. Thanks to the Council and Mayor Humphries for setting this up. We can't wait until the next one.