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Written by Rick Amburgey: The city has rescheduled the Community Night Out, originally scheduled for last Saturday, for Aug. 1. It will be held this Saturday between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.

The event was cancelled last Saturday because it was raining heavily in the morning and the forecast called for rain throughout the day. The morning rain cleared off and it turned into a nice, sunny day - completely dry by the time the Community Night Out was to begin.

Mayor Tim Humphries said it's a major concern to him that the event was cancelled without letting anyone in the city know the decision was made. Humphries said he showed up to the event, unaware it was cancelled. City Manager Sherry Callahan was also notified. Members of council and the public also were unaware the cancellation had been made. According to Humphries, there wasn't even a sign at Roscoe Roof Park telling people it was cancelled.

This Saturday's event at Roscoe Roof Park will be a rain or shine event, unless it is thundering and lightening.

The event will have hot dogs and refreshments. It will also have fingerprinting for the kids and much, much more!! Come out for a wonderful community event!!
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2 Response to 'Community Night Out re-scheduled for Aug. 1'

  1. Sharon L. Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/07/community-night-out-re-scheduled-for.html?showComment=1249065664377#c4211910735381570328'> July 31, 2009 at 11:41 AM

    Thanks Rick and thanks to Carlisle Daily for info we can't seem to get in print i.e. Journal, Chronicle) Today is Thursday and unless I overlooked it, I still haven't seen a word about the Community Night Out being cancelled, rescheduled, or anything else in the Middletown Journal, it was a little late for the Franklin Chronicle. And for some reason that's way beyond me it seems to be an impossible task for the city manager to get the tape of the Council meeting to the school for broadcast. Maybe we can talk her into becoming a member of Carlisle Daily and cancel notices could be posted here.I understand she does not get the Carlisle channel where she lives so obviously it's not a priority. 13 months ago I campaigned rigorously for Sherri Callahan to be our manager. I am sure she was the best choice of the finalists Council came up with, but I am still waiting for her to become the manager I know she can be. Maybe some new faces on Council will inspire her to be the best that she can be.

    I would like to say to Rick Amburgey to the best of my knowledge Carlisle Council has not voted to place a new fire Levy on the ballot for this November. However, as I have said before, it's hard to keep up with what's going on at city Council with absolutely no press coverage and rarely do we see the Council meetings on the Carlisle channel. I am still trying to get in touch with police chief Tim Bogess about supplying the print media with the police brief to keep citizens aware of what's going on in our neighborhood. For two years I've been trying to make this happen. The Journal tells me they are still waiting on the chief to supply them with the info and I haven't been able to get the police chief on the phone period. I have decided that perhaps Sgt. Slider (sp?) Is the one I should be trying to contact about this issue. He seems to be the one to get things done. Anyway, back to the point, thank you for taking the time to bring the information to the Carlisle residents as best you know it, Mr. Amburgey.


  2. Anonymous
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/07/community-night-out-re-scheduled-for.html?showComment=1249250457230#c1391208449197208976'> August 2, 2009 at 3:00 PM

    I was out the park and had a good time. However I found out that some people got flyers delivered to their homes and other did not.

    I talked to most of the police department face to face including the police chief. Easy to identify and talk too. I was unable to meet the Fire Chief, he was busy on a tractor I was told by someone at a fire truck. I did not see many fire department people, someone in a franklin fire shirt and no ambulance. I asked about the ambulance and was given the impression that the fire department leadership did not want the ambulace there, while they dont work for the city, they do serve the citizens, I would think council would want to show the citizen all the services that are paid for by the taxpayers.

    I was able to meet only three council members and one person running for council.

    Thanks to the Mayor for making me feel it was importaint to be there. The park was a perfect place to have this with its shelters, restrooms and plyground.

    Maybe the entire city will get invited next time instead of just a neiborhood or two that is luck to be close to this great park.


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