This will be one wild election year for the City of Carlisle. Already there have been six residents race to the Board of Elections and turn in their petitions to run for City Council. There has also been four to petition for School Board.
The interesting part about that whole statement is that all ten of these candidates have turned in their petitions more than a month before they actually are due. This type of eagerness to run for City Council and School Board could make this a very intense election.
The reason for the madness? Carlisle City Council only trails Springboro with the amount of positions that need to be filled in Warren County, Ohio with 4 of 7 seats that are open and those are Wards 1, 2, 3 and one at-large seat. That is a lot of positions to fill!
Those seeking your vote for City Council and have turned in their petitions are:
At Large Chad Johnson, S. 610 Beachler Dr Carlisle, OH 45005
At Large Cheryl Sweezy, 720 Joshua Ct Apt B Carlisle, OH 45005
Ward 1 Bryan Green, 8473 Meadowlark Dr Carlisle, OH 45005
Ward 1 Mary Thompson, 280 Nikki Ct Carlisle, OH 45005
Ward 2 Scott Boschert, 800 Roberts Ct Carlisle, OH 45005
Ward 3 Randal Winkler, 89 Janet Ave Carlisle, OH 45005
The four petitions out for Carlisle Local Schools’ Board of Education
David Clay, 453 Sunset Dr Carlisle, OH 45005
Tammy Lainhart, 6968 Miami View Dr Franklin, OH 45005
Unexpired term Joe Marinich, 6025 9th Ave Miamisburg, OH 45342
Unexpired term Travis Dale Swain, 7771 Myrtle Dr Franklin, OH 45005
To find out more information about our Board of Elections visit
What do you think of this year's election race as it already has begun heating up? Click here to Comment!!
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- ► April 2009 (2)'> July 13, 2009 at 10:41 AM
Is there any organized meet the candidate forum? It would be nice to know a little more about each and their motivations for running.'> July 20, 2009 at 6:09 PM
Hopefully they'll do a better job at telling the truth than John Boehner.
He sent me an email today saying that Obama spent 1.2 million on a 2 lbs ham.
Not shocked... that's a lie. It's 760 lbs at 1.57 per.
When did the Republicans become lieing demons. I remember when conservative was something other than, "I'll sell you out and tell any lie if I can stay in office." You'd think he was a Clinton.
Vote him out!!!'> August 2, 2009 at 11:06 PM
I am organizing an official meet the candidate forum. The tenative date is Thursday, August 20th. I plan to invite the two other "At Large" City Council candidates to discuss how we can best represent the city. I will have more information later this week. Feel free to contact me at:
Chad Johnson'> August 3, 2009 at 4:42 PM
Everyone needs to vote.Be informed.Dont just vote for someone because you know them.Vote an educated vote!!'> August 13, 2009 at 9:14 AM
I hope CHERYL SWEEZY WINS,'> August 16, 2009 at 8:39 PM
In addition to an educated vote, please vote for someone with an education and experience. Why is it that we push for education all our lives yet we elect those that have no formal education past High School to serve our needs? It is important that in order to attract new businesses to the city of Carlisle, we have intelligent people representing us when that time comes. As far as I can tell from his qualifications posted on his website, Mr. Green has a great background and would be qualified to make informed decisions. Military advancement and work ethics illustrated by his advanced degrees prove that he is capable. After meeting Mr. Johnson, it is obvious to me that he likes to hear himself talk. He seemed as though he was practicing to be a "politician". (unconvincingly...) Since then I have read his website and I am now most certain of it. Mr. Johnson's resume reads like the pick of the week and he has little education to insure me of his work ethic or comprehension. Please take an interest in whom you are voting for and not for the person's face that you see the most. Talk is cheap and he comes across as self serving. I look forward to reading what the other candidates have to say.'> August 17, 2009 at 11:09 AM
I know both Mr. Johnson and Mr. Green and believe each to be qualified. They are, by the way, running gor different positions and not against each other. The writer seemed a bit confused about that point. At any rate I believe each would bring their own personal qualifications to office if elected. Again, I know them both and would vote for both of them if possible. Please take the time to get to know them. It could only be to your benefit.'> August 17, 2009 at 12:50 PM
Thank you for your supportive comments. While I do know Mr. Johnson, I believe his campaign should stand on its own merits. I agree that every voter should take the time to get to know the candidates and get a better understanding of what they stand for and why they are running. Again...thank you for your support and please contact me at www.votebryangreen with any suggestions or concerns.
Bryan Green'> August 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM
Mr. Anonymous,
I too respect Mr. Green. I believe he is the best candidate for his ward. If I lived in his ward, he would get my vote.
Now about your personal attack on me:
I apologize if I came across to you as someone that likes to hear myself talk. It is my intention to share with everyone – in a short period of time - the motivations that cause me to run for council. If I am a bit unfamiliar with being a politician, it’s because I’m a citizen – not a politician. That is one thing I will change with our council.
As for my resume reading like a “pick of the week”; it is simply a chronology of my employment for the past 17 years. Like many, I have worked hard to get where I am today. I am grateful for my experiences.
You are concerned that I have little education. Here is a short list of some things I have accomplished:
U.S. Army Ordinance TSED Center of Schools
(Graduated with Honors)
RETS College
(Graduated with Honors)
E.P.A. Type II and III
Certified Service Manager Program
Meticulous Hiring Practices Program
Six Sigma Greenbelt
Sinclair College
(Current part-time student / Science of Business Degree Program)
U.S. Army Online Education
(Currently enrolled in Six Sigma Blackbelt Certification Program)
I believe Education is important. But, a college degree is not the benchmark for success. We have many successful people in this community without college degrees. According census information, only 17% of the people in our area hold a bachelor’s degree. (I do not believe that 83 of every 100 Carlisle citizens aren’t competent enough to serve on council.)
Here is a list of a few accomplished people without formal college degrees: George Washington, Thomas Edison, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright, Henry Ford, Bill Gates…
Kindest Regards,
Chad Johnson'> August 18, 2009 at 7:02 AM
To the guy that blasted Mr. Johnson for no good reason:
Why don’t you to go to the Warren County Board of Elections and put your name on the ballot? You have until the 20th - Unless are you just a supporter of another candidate already on the council. I like Mr. Johnson. I agree with what he has to say. He gets my vote!
Let me help you out with something else. You said, “he has little education to insure me of his work ethic or comprehension.” While insure, ensure, and assure may be synonymous; the proper word usage is: Assure you of my work ethic – not insure. Also, ethics isn’t measured by getting a college degree. Ethics is someone’s set of moral values. Comprehension is the ability of someone to mentally grasp something. It appears Mr. Johnson may not be the one with challenges. Where did you get your degree? Did you skip class the day they taught this stuff?
Why don’t you talk about the issues facing Carlisle? The council we have has done very little over the past few years t address what is at hand. It’s time we try something new.
I talked with Chad Johnson, Bryan Green, Scott Boschert and Mary Thompson at Railroad days. I liked what Johnson, Green and Boschert had to say. They talked with passion about issues that are important to my family and me.
Mary Thompson offered me an ink pen, and then I overheard her trashing the other three with her friends calling them young, immature and inexperienced. Mr. Bowles had some signs up at a table, but was nowhere to be found. We don’t need this any more!
By the way, I don’t think it’s ethical to blast someone without first telling him or her how you feel. Did you see that Mr. Johnson has his phone number posted on his web site? Did you give him a call before you trash talked him?'> August 18, 2009 at 2:58 PM
Hope scott boschert beats mary thompson out of her seat'> August 18, 2009 at 7:12 PM
Unfortunately, anyone who chooses to run for an elected position invites criticism. Healthy debate about issues make our system of government the finest in the world. Some will take advantage of this system to mount personal attacks on others while hiding behind an anonymous post on an internet billboard. I will admit I have a personal bias in this debate. Bryan Green is my cousin and a person I admire as a father and a man. I also went to school with Chad Johnson. While I haven't seen him in over twenty years I have fond memories of the dedication he displayed while a member of a great wrestling team.
Our system of government is a representative one. Voters should vote for those they believe will represent their voices in government and those who bring ideas to make our community a better place. A previous "anonymous" poster suggests you shouldn't vote for "the person's face you see the most." Sadly, these faces usually represent the status quo in local government.
I admire Bryan and Chad for their service to our great country and their willingness to serve the citizens of Carlisle.
John Green