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A source close to Carlisle Daily has informed us that last week Greg Wallace has resigned from the City of Carlisle. Mr. Wallace has served as Fire Chief of Carlisle for many years. He has been seen all around town investing time into about every event that Carlisle Daily has been able to attend.

He has obviously served in a key position in the City. We wish Mr. Wallace the best as he moves on in his life and wish him well in his endeavors.

We will keep the City posted as we hear how and when the City plans on dealing with his departure and potential candidates that will arise.

The resignation is effective Sept. 1, 2009.
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2 Response to 'Greg Wallace resigns as City of Carlisle Fire Chief'

  1. Anonymous
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/greg-wallace-resigns-as-city-of.html?showComment=1249408802259#c556331995689227015'> August 4, 2009 at 11:00 AM

    GOD BLESS AMERICA, PART OF MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE. Now who will replace the CITY MANAGER while she is off taking all those long weekends, vacations, spring breaks and personal days?????? Who will steer her thru all those town hall chores that She never has time to get done (and it shows) if anyone watches Council meetings on TV. City Mgr. should be busy right now working on replacing Mr. Wallace today and replacing him with a "VOLUNTEER FIRE CHIEF" and not a full time Chief that gets the run of the house at town hall. Put the new Chief in the FIREHOUSE where He belongs so maybe he knows the dept. he belongs with. Town hall don't need another jack-of-all-trades, office boy any more. NOTE I said VOLUNTEER CHIEF because that is what it should be in any VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. This is my view and opinion what's yours


  2. Anonymous
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/greg-wallace-resigns-as-city-of.html?showComment=1250145745597#c5202488983538645572'> August 12, 2009 at 11:42 PM

    I love it how people can sit back and judge based upon outside opinions. Greg Wallace has done some very wonderful things within our City. This City needs to wake up and realize the same fire kills full timers and Vollys. Our guys risk there lives daily, and for what? not even a thankyou. Thankyou Greg for your years of dedication and service and for keeping our firefighters safe.


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