This is the most activity we have seen in the City Council election in what we can tell the history of Carlisle. There has been much chatter, gossip, and competitiveness already coming out of the challenges for this election year. Hold on to your seats it will be a wild election year in the City of Carlisle.
Bottom line though is this, everyone in Carlisle needs to take it upon themselves to be educated on the candidates and be sure to actually go out and VOTE!!! Let's make this not only a historic amount of candidates but a historic amount of VOTERS!! BE INFORMED AND VOTE!!
Mayor Tim Humphries has told us that four years ago all the seats of City Council were unopposed and this will generate potential new changes to the face of our City Council.
Carrie Branson did not turn her petition in and bowed out of a race against her two challengers for Ward 2, Scott Boschert and Sharon Shelton.
Here are the City Council races as they have been turned in:
Chad Johnson ( and Cheryl Sweezy are challenging incucumbent Dennis Bowles in the At Large Seat.
Bryan Green ( will challenge Mary Thompson, who has served the community for 20 years at the Ward 1 seat.
Richard "Rich" Smith will challenge Randal "Randy" Winkler, who has served 8 years at the Ward 3 seat.
Chad Johnson organized a meet and greet the At Large candidates last night at the Whistle Stop as previously reported by Carlisle Daily. We will post an article later today on how that meeting went.
See other articles on this year's City Council election:
Carlisle Daily City: This will be one wild election year for ...
Meet Your At Large City Council Candidate on August 20th
Updated look at petitions in for City Council Candidates'> August 21, 2009 at 8:53 AM
I am very glad to see Ward 3 have a choice.'> August 21, 2009 at 2:46 PM
ME TOO!!! Let's hope Mr. Smith, Mr. Green, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Boschert can make the difference we need in Carlisle.'> August 21, 2009 at 5:52 PM
VOTE GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!'> August 21, 2009 at 7:31 PM
I (Carry Branson) did not bow out of the race by not turning in a petition because I never took out one. I chose many months ago not to run for re-election because I am busy with my children. I have served this community for many years and I hope the new council member is passionate about helping the city.'> August 21, 2009 at 7:37 PM
Our apologies Carry, it was the wrong use of words. Thank you for the correction. I am sorry!'> August 21, 2009 at 9:03 PM
Ward 3 does indeed have a choice! It took me awhile to make my choice on whether to run for the Council but I knew citizens of Carlisle deserved the opportunity to make a choice on who they thought would represent Ward 3 the best. Believe me when I say I am not a politician. I am not one to talk a lot but I am a great listener and I make sound decisions. I think it is important to know who is making decisions that affect me and up to this point I did not know who that person was. I am active in the community by serving the local Carlisle Baseball Association as both a Trustee and a coach. I also help coach soccer for the SAY organization and my experience has brought out my love for being involved with the youth. This has also made me a familiar face among the people I hope to represent. One might ask what I have to offer Carlisle as a Council member. As I stated above, availability and the ability to listen to my fellow citizens is key. It is important to know exactly what the issues are in our community and bring these issues to light so they can be corrected. Watching our Mayor has taught me how important it is to be available and listen to the people I am representing. He has an uncanny ability to appeal to all age groups across the Carlisle community. I have seen him talk to 7 year olds and senior citizens and each of them had his undivided attention. That is a very important skill I possess as well and that is what I will bring to Ward 3! I will be out in the community and I want to hear the good things and the concerns in our city.
Rich Smith