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The election campaign is already begun. Some running for City Council already have their campaign websites set and under way www.votechadjohnson.com and www.votebryangreen.com and buzz is getting around of how BIG this election year will be.

Chad Johnson is running for At Large City Council seat against Cheryl Sweezy and Dennis Bowles and has invited them to join in him in a public meet and greet. All three will be present to introduce themselves, field a few questions, and simply meet the public.

Here is the press release from candidate Chad Johnson:

At Large City Council Candidate Chad Johnson is hosting a public "meet and greet" at the Whistle Stop in Carlisle on Thursday, August the 20th from 7 pm - 8 pm. This event is an opportunity for the community to come out and meet the candidates. Chad says, "I have opened this invitation to the other two candidates running for this seat and hope they will be able to attend. Openness to discuss ideas and availability are fundamental to what I will bring to the Council."

Folks, come early. Get a seat. Meet your candidate.

Whistle Stop
Thursday, August the 20th
From 7 pm - 8 pm

If you are running for City Council or School Board and have a campaign website please contact us today so that we can share with the community. Thanks!
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4 Response to 'Meet Your At Large City Council Candidate on August 20th'

  1. Jeremy Bowles
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/meet-your-at-large-city-council.html?showComment=1250131996606#c5642529216737636727'> August 12, 2009 at 7:53 PM

    Dennis Bowles WILL be there.


  2. Chad Johnson
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/meet-your-at-large-city-council.html?showComment=1250684449367#c6065718839779819910'> August 19, 2009 at 5:20 AM

    Everyone please come out. Cheryl Sweezy and Dennis Bowles have both confirmed with me that they will be attending. Thanks to the Whistle Stop for allowing us to come.

    - Chad


  3. Chad Johnson
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/meet-your-at-large-city-council.html?showComment=1250768354276#c842258855268246003'> August 20, 2009 at 4:39 AM

    Cheryl Sweezy and Dennis Bowles have both confirmed they will be there. I would like to thank them both in advance. It should be a good evening.


  4. Chad Johnson
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/08/meet-your-at-large-city-council.html?showComment=1250822426858#c4654451306468829905'> August 20, 2009 at 7:40 PM

    We had a great time at the meet and greet tonight. Carlisle is full of some wonderful people. I'm very glad to know that all the 'At Large' candidates are running for Carlisle and not necessarily against each other. We have a wonderful community.


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