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WLWTImage via Wikipedia
This weekend the City of Carlisle read the news of Mayor Tim Humphries city owned computer and other items being seized by the Carlisle Police Department by many media outlets.  Yesterday, the publicity stretched further into the world of Television News.  The trucks, lights, and reporters were the talk of town as WLWT, Channel 5 was out in the city building their story.  We have talked to a few people who were asked questions about the mayor outside of the gas stations and if you saw the video (link at bottom) a few business owners where asked of their opinion of the story.

Here is the timeline thus far generated from several reports in the media:

City of Carlisle Police was informed about possible content by phone call lead.

October 17th Investigation begins

November 5th: 
Search Warrant issued to Mayor Tim Humphries to seize computer and contents
City of Carlisle Police Department seize computer from City Offices.

November 13th:
Mayor Tim Humphries denied any knowledge of the search warrant to media.
Police Chief Tim Boggess states to different media outlets he personally served Humphries the warrant on November 5th.

As of today:
No charges have been pressed.
Computer and contents are at FBI forensic computer laboratory.
Police Chief Tim Boggess expects to hear from FBI this week.
Inappropriate content has not been identified the information and warrant was sealed by courts.

This is not giving the City of Carlisle the greatest of all press.  It is not the greatest of all stories with all the great publicity we have received with the State Playoff Indian football team.  It is also coming off one of the biggest voter response this past election in a non-presidential election.

We will keep the city up to date with news on this as we get it.

Here is WLWT's video from yesterday:  Click here...video is in right rail of article.

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