Written by: Tina Lane
UPDATED 11/9/2009: After previously speaking with Mary Ann Thompson last week it was believed she would be stepping down from her position or at the very least giving it thought. But now Mary Ann will serve her position as Deputy Mayor and Ward 1 seat until her full term is over on 12/31/09.
After 20 years of public service, 55% of voters defeated Mary Ann Thompson’s bid for reelection and elected her challenger, Bryan Green, to City Council.
UPDATED 11/9/2009: After previously speaking with Mary Ann Thompson last week it was believed she would be stepping down from her position or at the very least giving it thought. But now Mary Ann will serve her position as Deputy Mayor and Ward 1 seat until her full term is over on 12/31/09.
After 20 years of public service, 55% of voters defeated Mary Ann Thompson’s bid for reelection and elected her challenger, Bryan Green, to City Council.
In a recent interview with Mrs. Thompson she described her long tenure in public office. “It has been rewarding,” said Thompson. “At this level of local government you see results. You see a difference. It is very encouraging. I have met good solid citizens.”
Addressing the citizens of Carlisle on her campaign website Mrs. Thompson further reflects on her service to the community. “For the last 20 years it has been my honor to serve as your City Council Representative for Ward 1, the last 6 years as your Deputy Mayor. I can only express my gratitude and the rewards I have felt in being able to be a part of and make a difference in helping guide the City of Carlisle to new heights, during my tenure as your City Council Ward I representative.”
Mrs. Thompson believes her many years of experience has cultivated numerous relationships with politicians, senators, and national leaders that have generated valuable results for the city. She states, referring to her recent loss at the polls, that the benefit of these relationships “will be missed” by a community where she is “well thought of.”
Mrs. Thompson is especially proud of her efforts to bring recognition to the often neglected city of Carlisle. “I brought Carlisle to the limelight,” she proclaimed. In her campaign letter she goes on to highlight her involvement in National Committees to foster such attention. “My responsibilities were expanded three years ago as I took on the role of only one of three State of Ohio representatives to serve on the National Human Development Steering Committee along with being elected to serve as the representative on the National Small Cities Council. Serving on these National Committees brings us additional knowledge and helps the City of Carlisle solve similar problems while bringing recognition to our city on a National Level.”
When asked if she would ever run for election again Thompson was hesitant. She described her experience of harassment over the last 3 months as tactic of “nasty politics.” “It will discourage other good people from running for public office,” she said regretfully. “It is a disservice to our city.”
As for her future, Mary Ann Thompson has plans to remain on staff with the Warren County Municipal League, a nonpartisan association of elected officials in Warren County.
http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/11/deputy-mayor-steps-down-farewell.html?showComment=1257655799457#c1897009953615680054'> November 7, 2009 at 8:49 PM
You have to be kidding me. Harassment? How has she been harassed? Does she consider going around town spreading unsavory rumors about her opponent harassment? What happened to bowing out gracefully? What has she done for Carlisle? She must believe traveling all over the country on the city's dime her civic duty. Remember Mary Ann, don't go away mad, just go away.