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Rodney Bell joined the Carlisle Fire Department as a firefighter in 2001.  In 2007, Rodney was promoted to the position of Captain.  He will now serve as Assistant Chief of Operations with his newest promotion.

Rodney's wife, Robyn Bell, is also a member of Carlisle

Fire Department and did the honor of pinning his new badge during the presentation to Council. 

The city is appreciative of the hard work and dedication that Rodney and his family have given the department over the years and wish him great success in his new role. Rodney's wife, Robyn Bell, is also a member of Carlisle
Robyn Bell pins his new Assistant Chief badge on Rodney during the ceremony.
Robyn Bell pins his new Assistant Chief badge on Rodney during the ceremony.
Fire Department and did the honor of pinning his new badge during the presentation to Council.  The city is appreciative of the hard work and dedication that Rodney and his family have given the department over the years and wish him great success in his new role.


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