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Bryan Green is challenging Mary Ann Thompson for the Ward 1 City Council seat this November 3rd election. Take some time to read over the his bio.

I was born and raised right here in Carlisle. I have lived here almost my entire life. My family owned and operated a local small business from 1989 til 1998 when we moved the store to Middletown. I graduated from CHS in 1987 and joined the Ohio Army National Guard where I served with distinction on several volunteer humanitarian missions including Honduras and Jamaica.

I attended Wright State University and began working on my bachelor's degree in psychology. In 1992, during the first Gulf War, I wanted to serve in the war effort more directly so I disenrolled from College and joined the Active duty Army. I had to complete refresher training and by the time it was complete, the war was, in effect, over. I got married just as I joined Active duty and I served the remainder of my enlistment at Fort Bragg, North Carolina where I served with distinction as a senior mechanic in a Field Artillery Unit. I was quickly promoted to Sergeant and was named XVIII Airborne Corps Soldier of the Year.

I returned in 1995 and I re-enrolled at Wright State University and in 1998 I graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology with concentration on Early Childhood Development. I entered Law School in the fall of 1998 at The Ohio State University. In 2001, I took and passed the Ohio Bar Examination. I practiced for a brief period at a firm in Middletown. I now co-operate the family business with my brother and practice law on a selective basis.

I am an avid supporter of tort-reform and increased accountability within the professions, especially law, medicine, pharmaceutical, and government. I believe, as our founding fathers did, that un-checked power inevitably leads to corruption and abuse and that it is the duty of every citizen to work to prevent it.

I have served the City of Carlisle by serving on several committees and by volunteering my time working with the youth. I know I have a lot more to offer and I am very committed to serving our City.

Lastly, I belive that every citizen should have a voice and that nowhere is that more important than at the local level. I believe that it is the duty of the public to be well-inormed and to appoint and elect ONLY those officials who CONSISTENTLY demonstrate a commitment to never forget the authority from where their powers derive...THE PEOPLE. As your council representative I vow never to forget that it is only by your gracious approval and with your support that I have the opportunity to serve you. I will endeavor at every juncture to SEEK FIRST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

I am the proud father of two wonderful sons...Jack (10) and Drew (8). They are both active in the city's little league sports. I have been blessed with many wonderful opportunities to coach wrestling and---my passion---Little League Baseball. I think that family is the most important and valuable asset on Earth. In every conceivable manner, family is the link to our past and the bridge to our future. I am looking very forward to having the opportunity to serve the families of the city that I love.

Please visit my website and learn more about me and what I hope to see for Carlisle in the future. www.votebryangreen.com You can also email me at bryan@votebryangreen.com or you can call me at 513-594-6080. Feel free to contact me and express any thoughts, questions, or concerns.
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