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This November not only will you be voting for local City Council members and School Board members but there are some State Wide and County Wide votes that you will need to be educated about so that you can vote wisely. Carlisle Daily will begin to do some articles from Ohio.gov and other areas including opinions, research, and other findings to help the citizens of Carlisle be familiar with what is going to be voted on November 3rd.

Here is the State release on Issue 3, Ohio Casino Measure. Read through and also respond on our online poll on whether you will support or oppose this Issue. Go to CarlisleDaily.com Home Page and vote "Yes", "No", or "Undecided"!


Proposed by Initiative PetitionTo adopt Section 6 to Article XV of the Constitution of the State of OhioThis proposed amendment would:

1. Authorize only one casino facility at a specifically designated location within each of the cities of Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo.
2. Levy a fixed tax of 33% of gross casino revenue received by each casino operator of the four casino facilities.
3. Distribute the casino tax as follows:51% among all 88 counties in proportion to such counties’ respective populations. Half of each county’s distribution will go to its largest city if that city’s population is above 80,000.34% among all public school districts5% among all host cities3% to the Ohio casino control commission3% to the Ohio state racing commission fund2% to a state law enforcement training fund2% to a state problem gambling and addictions fund
4. Require each initial licensed casino operator to pay a single $50,000,000 fee to be used for state job training purposes and make a minimum initial investment of $250,000,000 in its facility.
5. Permit approved types of casino gaming authorized by Michigan, West Virginia, Indiana, and Pennsylvania as of January 1, 2009 or games subsequently authorized by those states.
6. Authorize the casinos to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the discretion of the casino operator and require that the casino facilities shall be subject to all state and local laws and provisions related to health and building codes, but that no local zoning, land use laws, subdivision regulations or similar provisions shall prohibit the development or operation of the casinos at the designated sites.
7. Create the Ohio casino control commission which will license and regulate casino operators, management companies retained by such casino operators, key employees, gaming-related vendors, and all gaming authorized by this constitutional provision.

A "YES" vote means you approve of amending the Ohio Constitution to permit one casino each in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo.

A "NO" vote means you disapprove of amending the Ohio Constitution to permit one casino each in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo.A majority YES vote is required for the amendment to be adopted.

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1 Response to 'Gambling in Ohio??'

  1. Anonymous
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/09/gambling-in-ohio.html?showComment=1254239922554#c2570245804884207288'> September 29, 2009 at 8:58 AM

    Why just four casinos? Why not more than one per city? If I have to drive in that Cincinnati traffic then I may as well drive to Ky. and board a plane for Las Vegas. Plus who cares about those race horse people in Lebanon,Ohio that have stolen the county's fairgrounds for the last half century and used it for their own pleasure and gain all year long then let the public use it for a one week fair. I'd say that has been worse situation than what any casino could do. How many dollars did those racetrack people send the schools???? SAY ZERO. Now enough said I'll settle for any nearby casino and I'll vote yes on Issue 3 P.S. Take that all you Horsey Minded Commissioners in Warren County.


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