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I was born on a farm in Blue Stone, Kentucky just outside of Morehead on July 20, 1954 to Russell Howard and Betty Jane Bowles. In 1955, my parents, two older siblings, and I moved to just outside of Carlisle, Ohio in Franklin Township when my father obtained a job with Armco Steel (now AK Steel) in Middletown where he worked until his retirement in 1985. Over the years my 5 siblings and I attended Carlisle Local Schools where I ran cross country track. In 1972, I graduated in the last graduating class in the old high school (now Chamberlain Middle School). 

After high school, I began classes at Miami University of Middletown where I studied Business Management. In addition, I began work with Sears & Roebucks in downtown Middletown. In 1975, I married my wife of 34 years Melissa Garrett. In 1976, my wife and I moved to Urbana, Ohio where I worked as Manager of Clancy's Restraunt. In 1977, we moved to Tipp City, Ohio when I was transferred to the restraunt in Tipp City. Also, in 1977, my wife gave birth to our first child and only daughter Shawna.

In 1978, we moved back home to Franklin Township on Martz-Paulin Road when I began work for Rainbow Bread Bakery in Dayton, Ohio. In 1980, my wife and I had our second child Jeremy. In 1982, we moved into our new home on Nikki Court in Carlisle, Ohio where I still live today. In 1984, I began work with Sysco Foods Inc. in Cincinnati, Ohio where I still work to this day. In addition, I volunteered as a Fire Fighter with the Carlisle Fire Department where I eventually became Lieutenant. In 1985, my wife gave birth to our third and last child Andrew. In 1994, I was elected to my first term to City Council as an At-Large Council Member where I still serve.
Over the years, my wife and I have volunteered in many capacities within the community. Mainly activities that our children where involved in while attending Carlisle Local Schools. All three of my children graduated from Carlisle High School and my daughter Shawna and son Andrew both attended the Miami Valley Career Technology Center. Some of the activities that I participated in was the Carlisle Charter Committee, the SAY Soccer Association, the Pee Wee Football Association, the Boy Scouts of America, the Carlisle Fire Explorers, Carlisle Police Explorers, and the Carlisle High School Marching Band

Both my wife and I are graduates of the first Carlisle Citizens Police Academy and have volunteered with both the Carlisle Fire and Police Departments. In addition, my wife and I are active members with the Franklin First Baptist Church in downtown Franklin. In 1996, my daughter Shawna married Brian Newkirk of Franklin Township. In 1997, my daughter gave birth to my grandson Dylan and in 2001 gave birth to my granddaughter Bailey. Both of my grandchildren like my children are very active in many local and Carlisle School activities. All three of my children still live in Carlisle to this day.
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