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May 24, 2010

Here is a report submitted by new Fire Chief, Krista Wyatt for the month of April for the Carlisle Fire Department.

TO: Sherry C. Callahan, City Manager
FROM: Krista R. Wyatt, Fire Chief
DATE: April 30, 2010

SUBJECT: April 2010 Monthly Report
Our calls consisted of:
Wires Down – 1
Motor Vehicle Accident – 3
Controlled burn – 1
Carbon Monoxide Detector Activation w/o Illness – 1
Grass/refuse fire – 1 (caboose being demolished)
Search for missing child – 1
Automatic Aid - 3 to Franklin

With the resignation of Lt. Rowland, I began a promotion process for a new Lieutenant. The testing and interview process will begin the week of May 17th to allow the candidates to prepare. My hopes are to have the new Lieutenant promoted by May 31st at the latest. In the meantime, we will use the Watchman position to fill in. To date, the position has been working very well.

Planning for Rail Road Days has started. The event will be Aug. 20th & 21st. There was some confusion on the original date as school is starting on the 25th. The thought was that we needed to have the event on the prior weekend which made it conflict with other events. A gentleman from the community spoke with the school and after multiple conversations with the school officials we have decided to keep the event on the third weekend.

I met with the state fire inspector to inspect the Carlisle Manor nursing home and it went very well. The facility is well maintained and the staff was very open to making corrections where needed. Typically, the state will send their inspector in and he or she will return for follow-up actions. The state is becoming more stringent in their inspections and I am aware of several facilities that are being held in non-compliance. Carlisle Manor was in such good condition, the inspector found very few issues and on most of them, he has allowed me to be the follow-up person. This speaks very well for the facility and the City as it shows we are properly following the state codes.

The new day care facility on Union Road received a final inspection and they should be opening sometime in the month of May. The firefighters were able to tour the building to learn the lay-out of the rooms, fire alarm system, and mechanical room set-up.

The mock crash at the high school was scheduled for the 30th, however, there was a communication problem and there were no cars brought to the school. Care Flight coordinates with AAA to have the previously wrecked cars delivered to the school and they were not sure what happened. There was also a problem with the helicopter availability as two of the three were out of service. The event has been postponed until May 6th.

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