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Carlisle Mayor Tim Humphries was issued a summons to appear in Franklin Municpal Court on Friday, December 18 for arraignment on charges of obstructing official business, aggravated menacing, and a first-degree misdemeanor.  This all stemmed from a traffic incident on December 1st.

Read stories from other news sources:

Carlisle Mayor facing charges in road rage incident.

Bat wielding mayor...

Will bring more news as we see or hear!

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25 Response to 'Carlisle Mayor Tim Humphries facing charges....'

  1. Dean Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261028345049#c1938585765158831769'> December 16, 2009 at 9:39 PM

    I guess Tim has just pointed out too many wrong things that are happening in the City Goverment of Carlisle,Ohio. For those of you out there that like to pass sentence before trial I urge you to talk to Tim and listen to a story that will put a bristle on the back of your neck and maybe make some of you silent souls sitting in the wings speak up because if a handful of people can do this to the Mayor, what chance do you stand of receiving justice. In my opinion there should be an outside investigation of this city by the federal people that could bring these people to answer for all their misdeeds.


  2. John Holmes
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261065514039#c7085253920048843494'> December 17, 2009 at 7:58 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  3. concerned
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261077719970#c6568344516903929367'> December 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM

    homeland scare tatics used as a front to instill the public that the police are there to serve and protect, wrong, as with above comment, people better wake up, see the carlisle police as a system not for the people but power/control over the people/ we need to stop this!!! support our mayor!!


  4. Jay
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261087250289#c3036116781325266627'> December 17, 2009 at 2:00 PM

    conspiracy nut say what....Whether or not the man is trying to keep him down, no one has the right to stop in the middle of the road and approach someone else, especially with a baseball bat! If he was really that afraid for his life, he should've gone the extra 1/4 mile to the Police station. Oh, I forgot, they will not protect him, they are just minions to the powers that be and are out to get him. Get real. The FBI has more important things to do than investigate Carlisle. DISCLAIMER>>if u have read this you have been subjected to subliminal messages and will be out to get the Mayor. Thanks for your cooperation.


  5. Bryan Dunkman
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261108785029#c5555498948042628678'> December 17, 2009 at 7:59 PM

    As Dean points out, everyone should wait to pass judgment until all the information is known. I believe Mayor Humphries will be exonerated when this is all brought to light. If everyone will remember, Mayor Humphries was voted into office by an overwhelming majority. All of those voters must have seen something good in him that made them decide to vote for him for Mayor. In January, when the new city officials take office, I hope and pray that this all gets sorted out. We, as citizens of Carlisle, should come together and work with the elected officials to make Carlisle a better place and city in which to live and raise our families. We should be working to become a "community of neighbors" instead of simply a city in which we reside. I did not grow up in Carlisle. My wife and I decided to move here over 19 years ago and have come to love this city. I have not known Mayor Tim Humphries for very long, but he has impressed me as someone who loves this city, is honest, hard working, and wants to serve. Let's help him serve the City of Carlisle. Please pray for our elected officials as we are supposed to do. God Bless.


  6. Jim
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261150757757#c5233944519016774261'> December 18, 2009 at 7:39 AM

    Dean... You're watch'en too much TV. I doubt there’s a conspiracy in Carlisle. I wouldn’t believe everything you’re being told.
    Concerned... Wake-up, breaking the law is NOT right no matter who you are.
    Jay... Right on!
    Bryan... 200 votes is not an overwhelming majority. Tim won because he campaigned 100% of the time. One would ask how could he do that and work. You can probably answer that one.
    And last but not least, if there’s nothing on the computer than what is it taking Soooo long for the FBI to look at it. Oh yeah… When we get the news, I’m sure Dean will say the Mayor is being framed.
    What’s the next embarrassment Carlisle will have to suffer? What will the Mayor do next?


  7. Linda Britton
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261166524164#c7759418632724167426'> December 18, 2009 at 12:02 PM

    I agree with Dean,That the city of carlisle has something to hide and in time the Mayor is going to find out what it is and they are setting Mayor Humphries up. I have talk to the news when they was here and they would not put me on air becouse i said nice things about Tim allthey want is people that didn't believe in him and All i have to say Who every did this to a good man has to answer to the man in heaven. I don't think it is right to follow anyone around and I think no one is perfict all the time. So lets let everything cool dowm and wait till court and see if all of Tim friends are right about this good man.Tim is not an embarrassment to Carlisle, others are.


  8. Dean Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261172710101#c7847712538824621690'> December 18, 2009 at 1:45 PM

    Jim, I know assuming and eating crow IS about to rear its ugly head, AGAIN...


  9. Sarah
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261178696300#c3959945886468339349'> December 18, 2009 at 3:24 PM

    I wonder if Dunkman would be defending this guy if it was his 18 year old child that Humphries stopped and went after with a baseball bat? Listen to the 911 tape. It doesn't sound like there is much doubt that he did it.


  10. Sharon
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261188422371#c4452758859303903439'> December 18, 2009 at 6:07 PM

    Jim, it looks like you are goinng to be assuming and eating crow AGAIN....this time it is going to be a great big crow......get your fork out...


  11. Dean Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261203906414#c7431934962479477911'> December 18, 2009 at 10:25 PM

    "Note to Sarah", I Don't know what 911 tape you were listening to but it must not be Tim's because I distinctly heard the accuser state that Tim had a metal pipe in his hand and at no time was it displayed in any threatening manner nor noted on the tapes. Wherever or whenever you heard the term (baseball bat) it must have come from from those people that are putting on this floor show or from those reporters wanting to sell newspapers. I just love you shy people that don't have the courage to even stand behind your opinions and accusations and tell the public your full names. REF: Sarah,Jim,Jay,Concerned,Sharon and We all know the John Holmes name and the disgusting connotation that is intended by the use of that name. P.S. Keep the postings coming and while your all at it look up your birth records to stick that last name on them.
    Cher,Sting,and Ringo just don't get it, quit hiding people,maybe there is a place to cure you of your know it all attitudes. P.S.S."Every one of us shall give account of himself to GOD"-Romans 14:12.


  12. Jamie
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261246102849#c8159174293800325531'> December 19, 2009 at 10:08 AM

    The Mayor is supposed to represent the people of Carlisle. He has no true power as far as policy goes...he is just a ceremonial figure head who should lead by example. That is all his job is, being the face of Carlisle. Stoppping in the middle of the road and threatening a 18 year old with a bat is not a good way to represent your city. It makes Carlisle the laughing stock of Warren County. Who would take them seriously from here on out. And to imply that there is some kind of big conspiracy....really? That is a desperate allegation from a desperate group of supporters. Now if he is cleared of all charges, I could admit that I was wrong and move on from here. But that is not likely. And when convicted, I would hope that Mayor Humphries would do the right thing and step down from office....Carlisle does not need anymore black eyes.


  13. Jim
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261264001296#c9073831260630329'> December 19, 2009 at 3:06 PM

    Dean and Sharon... Isn't odd that you were able to figure out who I am. Must be quite a few Jim's in this area. And then you quote me from a confidential email to group that did not include you. I wonder who sent you a copy. Makes one pause... Just what is going on in Carlisle.


  14. Claudia
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261359929180#c8785462377687653002'> December 20, 2009 at 5:45 PM

    I don't know Tim Humphries from the man in the moon but: 1) Does the FBI get involved when there is nothing to get involved with? Don't they have better things to do than get involved with small town politics for no reason? 2) What kind of a nut would go after an 18 year old kid with a bat? 3) Just why was the mayor driving 10 mph or so on a main road?? Hummm? Those of you who know him may be able to answer those questions. Me? I have to wonder.
    And respectfully - people on this board should not be attacked for voicing their opinion. While I'm not sure how much longer it will be around, we still have freedom of speech.


  15. Sharon Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261416676657#c6145471228942379864'> December 21, 2009 at 9:31 AM

    James, it really wasn't difficult to figure out who you are. You have been voicing those same comments to a lot of people. Don't you know how many people you sent your "I ate Crow" e-mail to? Did you tell everybody it was confidential?? You have one lady on Council that loves to talk, a lot! I'm going to state publicly and for the record Mayor Humphreys never forwarded that e-mail to me, (perhaps you want to have my computer confiscated also) I heard it from several different sources right after you made your great assumption. We thought it was funny. But now I don't think you are funny anymore. I have a lot more friends than you give me credit for James. You are my greatest disappointment. You want to know what is really funny? The Mayor is constantly defending you and your actions, or lack thereof. I thought you were a stand alone, make your own decisions kind of guy but you also have decided to let others do your thinking for you. I have been wondering for a year how you can run a city of over 5000 people with only a 20 minute Council meeting every two weeks. Thanks to you, I am now pretty sure all the good business is being done by e-mail. I will be doing some research about if Government emails are public records. Be careful what you do on that computer James. If they can confiscate the Mayor's computer on an annonymous phone call, you and I should be easy pickings with the right accusation. I humbly would like to suggest that you (1) read the Carlisle Charter (2) study the Sunshine Law (3) review what the public has a right to know and see.


  16. Dean Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261437872992#c348269482743233310'> December 21, 2009 at 3:24 PM

    OK! Jim, I guess the secret is out, There is another "Mentalist" and I have dreams of e-mails that involve City Business out of public view in violation of the Sunshine Laws. Could I be wrong or just watching too much TV? Maybe if someone would confiscate all the city owned computers and those of the whole sitting council and look into them maybe an outsider could figure out what IS going on in this city. P.S. Jim you've been on pause since elected, just like the other five. Note to readers: Maybe I'm wrong and this isn't the Jim that has all those high & mighty ambitions to be your next Mayor. I knew a Jimbo once,is that you Jimbo?


  17. Mayor Tim Humphries
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261545295461#c2865174416322810313'> December 22, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    Does anyone know their real first and last name ? Really...


  18. Jay
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261547811201#c6730150265457724345'> December 22, 2009 at 9:56 PM

    My name is Jason Staggs. Evidently I have been hiding in the shadows without even knowing it! I didn't realize that you had to have a bio posted to be able to give your opinion. I have posted under "Jay". I am 34. I am an Aries. I enjoy long walks on the beach. I love to cuddle up with my children on a cold night and watch a good family movie. I am an adoptive / foster parent. I have 10 children and 3 (almost 4) grandchildren. I am on the soccer board and am a Cub Scout Leader. Any other questions? Thank you Mr. Byrd for pointing out my cowardice.


  19. Jay
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261548748402#c2149295293086979444'> December 22, 2009 at 10:12 PM

    I stand behind my original posts. I find it a little ironic that in the same post that judges us for not putting our last names ends with a sermon on not judging. If what the Mayor says is true, that he was just helping the police, I still believe he is wrong. The police have a hard enough job without the community overstepping their bounds. It makes the situation more tense and explosive. Also, as an elected official, you are held to a higher standard. You owe it to the people who elected you to not even give the appearance of breaking the law and to represent them with honor. I don't feel this is happening. Of course that is just my opinion.


  20. James Lickliter
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261598628258#c5111417452830510238'> December 23, 2009 at 12:03 PM

    Thanks Jay...
    Sharon and Dean… Yep you found out who I am. Jim is James Lickliter. However, I’m fairly certain you had help. Probably someone on the CarlisleDaily hacked the message I left as Jim, found the IP address, traced it back to me, and then gave the information to you. I’m not surprised, we all know the Mayor has the CarlisleDaily in his back pocket, we just don’t know why? I digress.
    Sharon you must have studied law. You act like you’re the defense lawyer for the mayor. You throw up a smoke screen to divert everyone’s attention away from the real point. You used the same tactic on Ron Faulker’s blog on the fire district issue. You start talking about short council meetings, the sunshine law and anything else you can think of to cover up the point, or in this case move the blame away from the mayor on to someone else. It’s the council, it’s the police, it’s a conspiracy. What’s next? Warren County, the state of Ohio, or FBI.
    The point is the mayor’s actions were wrong. He went after someone brandishing a weapon. By doing so, he put himself and the Carlisle policeman at risk, and he put himself and Carlisle back in the news. I can’t imagine that you condone his behavior. He has given Carlisle yet another “black eye,” and my heart breaks for the citizen of Carlisle once again. Can you not see this?
    I’m sure you’ll comeback with more deflecting comments and more blame, but I won’t comment on this issue again. We’ll wait to see what the courts say. I’ll save my comments for the next time, for the next embarrassment the people of Carlisle will have to suffer. You and I both know there will be a next time, helpfully the last.
    Lastly, I’m sorry for disappointing you. My goal has always been to serve the people of Carlisle to the best of my ability. I pray for them and you every day.
    Have a merry Christmas and enjoy the new year. I’m sure it will be interesting.


  21. Dean Byrd
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1261804093908#c6175306906358940052'> December 25, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    I don't believe any one of you people called to ask Tim his side of the story, did ya ???????????? and that was my suggestion to you all at the beginning of this subject. Cast your stones straight up and just stand and wait for their return.


  22. Unknown
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1262036767939#c5986067267960407792'> December 28, 2009 at 1:46 PM

    GARY DYER for acting mayor!!!!!


  23. Unknown
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1262090030481#c4047012027169611124'> December 29, 2009 at 4:33 AM

    Gary Dyer, for acting Mayor!!! Everyone pull together and support him!!!!

    P.S. I have made a couple of posts on this issue. What kind of legitimate blog restricts comments??? Who runs this site, Tim?


  24. Jay
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1262113141029#c1565634295560283270'> December 29, 2009 at 10:59 AM

    You are correct Mr. Byrd, I have not spoken with the mayor. I am basing my comments on the comments his lawyer made in court as to his state of mind and what he thought he was doing. I am assuming that since these comments were made in court, they would be truthful. Was I wrong? If his lawyer is spreading lies and telling stories in court, then that is a completely different issue that needs addressed. Still dont think I am casting stones but if I feel the stone come back down and hit me on the head I will let you know right away. I have a feeling that u may see it first though as the view is probably pretty good way up there on your sanctimonious perch.


  25. Just Jim
    http://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/12/carlisle-mayor-tim-humphries-facing.html?showComment=1264781135608#c4324455830436044069'> January 29, 2010 at 8:05 AM

    This is a pretty good place to come for a grin.

    Everyone should have a pipe or bat near them at all times.

    Have a Great Day!


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