The past few months have been a roller coaster of events for Mayor Tim Humphries. The ups and downs of his role as Mayor of Carlisle have been a whirl wind to follow. In spite of heading and helping with some interesting projects around town starting with the Indian Path. The Indian Path if you have drove by the schools and the City Building is the path students can take safely to get to the stores across 123. The path is marked by signs and during warmer weather the Mayor was helping along with other residents and business leaders of Carlisle as traffic monitors to keep our students safe. Other items that have been brought to our attention that the Mayor has been working on is getting a drop box oustide of the City Building so residents do not have to get out of their car to drop off bills, paperwork, etc. These are a few of the positives that our Mayor has been working on with others to improve different things in the City of Carlisle.
On the flip side, the downs of the past few months on the roller coaster have included a computer being confiscated and what some media outlets are calling a road rage incident that brought Mayor Tim Humphries up on many charges last week. There has been no official word on the computer and what the FBI has found or not found on the office computer of our Mayor. But now, with the new charges against Tim Humphries, Attorney, Jon Rion, is representing him and thinking things are "very unusual" with all the charges.
Humphries agreed to a 5:30 p.m. Jan. 12 preliminary hearing and pretrial conference with Judge Rupert Ruppert in Franklin Municipal Court. So things are not finished by any means stay tuned....
Check out other media outlets news articles...
Mayor rips road rage charges...
Carlisle Mayor Tim Humphries was issued a summons to appear in Franklin Municpal Court on Friday, December 18 for arraignment on charges of obstructing official business, aggravated menacing, and a first-degree misdemeanor. This all stemmed from a traffic incident on December 1st.
Read stories from other news sources:
Carlisle Mayor facing charges in road rage incident.
Bat wielding mayor...
Will bring more news as we see or hear!
Read stories from other news sources:
Carlisle Mayor facing charges in road rage incident.
Bat wielding mayor...
Will bring more news as we see or hear!
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The meeting will be held as follows:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
One S. Main Street
Suite 260
Downtown Dayton, OH
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), in consultation with statewide transportation stakeholders have, for a number of years, been working on a master plan to implement passenger rail service in Ohio. This Ohio Hub Plan identifies a series of prospective transportation corridors for providing passenger rail service throughout Ohio.
The project planning process towards reintroducing passenger rail service in the 3C + D corridor (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati + Dayton) has progressed to where it is time to coordinate amending the project into Ohio’s MPO Long Range Transportation Plans located within the 3C + D corridor service area (including MVRPC). The Plan amendment effort includes a financial strategy and a new transportation conformity determination (air quality analysis).
Ohio’s "Quick Start" Passenger Rail Plan, known as the 3C + D Corridor, will connect Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton with modern, conventional speed (up to 79 MPH) passenger trains, in the state’s most densely-populated travel corridor, which last had passenger rail service in 1971. It also is part of the corridor for future high speed rail (up to 110 MPH) under development by Ohio and its neighboring states. With funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), Ohio’s 3C + D "Quick Start" plan would have initial conventional-speed service running by 2011, putting another travel choice in reach of more than 60% of Ohio’s population and is expected to carry 478,000 riders in the first year.
If you are unable to attend, information is also available for public review on MVRPC’s web site at .
The public can also review the information at the MVRPC offices, One Dayton Center, One S. Main Street, Suite 260, Dayton, OH, 45402, during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday).
At all MVRPC public participation meetings, interpreters for hearing impaired individuals or bi-lingual interpreters are available upon request. Requests should be made at least one week prior to the meeting date. Contact MVRPC at (937) 223-6323 or 1-800-750-0750 TTY/TDD to request an interpreter.
The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission strives to foster collaboration among communities, stakeholders and residents to advance regional transportation priorities. MVRPC is a forum and resource where these regional partners can identify priorities, develop public policy and implement collaborative strategies to improve the quality of life and economic vitality throughout the Miami Valley. MVRPC performs various regional planning activities, including air quality, water quality, transportation, land use, research and GIS. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MVRPC is responsible for transportation planning in Greene, Miami and Montgomery Counties and parts of northern Warren County.
For information regarding the Region’s Long Range Transportation Plan, contact Ana Ramirez, MVRPC’s Director of Long Range Planning & Engineering at (937) 223-6323 or via e-mail at .
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It's time to renew your dog's license. State law requires that all dogs older than three months be registered with the county auditor's office.
Residents of Warren County can purchase their 2010 dog license at the Mayor's Court office at Town Hall. Each license is $15.75 (including a $0.75 administrative fee). Pets registered after the January 31st deadline are subject to an additional $15 late fee.
Residents of Montgomery County can purchase their 2010 dog license online at for $20 (plus a $2.00 online transaction fee). Licenses may also be purchased at veterinatrian's offices and pet supply stores around Montgomery County. Pets registered after the January 31st deadline are subject to an additional late fees. Montgomery County dog licenses are not available for purchase at Town Hall.
For further information, contact the County Auditor's office.
Montgomery County - (937) 225-4314
Warren County - (513) 695-1240
City Offices to be Closed on Thursday, December 24th and Friday, December 25th
All city offices will be closed on December 24th and 25th in observance of the Christmas Holiday.
How to reach emergency personnel when offices are closed:
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How to reach emergency personnel when offices are closed:
- Dial 9-1-1 for all emergencies
- For non-emergencies, call Warren County Dispatch at (937) 425-2525
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Current City Board Openings:
PERSONNEL BOARD: 3 Vacant Seats: A term of three years. This board provides by rule for the ascertainment of merit and fitness as the basis of appointment and promotion in the classified service of the Municipality and for the appeals from the action of any board, official or member of Council in any case of transfer, reduction, or removal.
TAX REVIEW BOARD: 1 Vacant Seat: Indefinite Term. Relating to the Earned Income Tax. Upon recommendation of the Finance Director, the Board of Review may abate a penalty or interest, or both, or upon an appeal from the refusal of the Finance Director a penalty or interest, or both.
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: 1 Vacant Seat: A term of four years. To serve on this board you must be a resident of the City. This Board shall be held at the call of the Chairperson. The duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals are to hear and decide appeals. To authorize variances from the provisions of the zoning code. To grant conditional use permits as specified in the Official Schedule of District Regulations and under the conditions specified in Chapter 1278.
HOUSING REINVESTMENT BOARD: 3 Vacant Seats: A term of three years. This Board does an annual inspection of properties within the Reinvestment Area.
PARKS & RECREATION BOARD: 1 Vacant Seat: 2 year term. Must be a citizen of the City of Carlisle. The members provide organized functions for raising money for equipment for the parks along with holding summer activities for the children.
Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to the Clerk of Council by 4:00 pm, January 7, 2010 at the following address:
City of Carlisle
Attn: Clerk of Council
760 W. Central Ave.
Carlisle, OH 45005
(937) 746-0555 ext. 1
NOVEMBER 24, 2009
The regular meeting of the City of Carlisle was held this evening, November 24, 2009 in Town Hall with Mayor Tim Humphries presiding. The meeting was opened at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call: Mr. Dennis Bowles, aye; Mayor Tim Humphries, aye; Mr. James Lickliter, aye; Mr. Randy Winkler, aye; Mrs. Jennifer Long, aye; Mrs. Mary Ann Thompson, aye. Absent: Mrs. Carry Branson.
Mrs. Thompson made a motion to excuse Mrs. Branson due to illness. Seconded by Mr. Bowles.
Roll call: Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye; Mr. Lickliter, aye; Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, aye; Mr. Winkler, aye.
The minutes of November 10, 2009 were presented to Council for approval. Mr. LIckliter made a motion to approve the amended minutes. Seconded by Mr. Winkler. Mr. Lickliter stated that Flo can read the corrections or you can go and read the correction on the website.
Roll call: Mr. Lickliter, aye; Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, abstained; Mr. Winkler, aye; Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye.
Public Forum:
Mr. Bryan Green -8473 Meadowlark Drive spoke on the issue of Jamaica Run Golf Course. Asked to address Council on a follow-up from last Council meeting of the exchange between Mrs. Branson and Mayor Humphries regarding Jamaica Run Golf Course and the High School Boys Golf Team. Mr. Green stated he recognizes that this is more a school issue but since the issue was raised about the possibility that maybe a council member, particularly the Mayor, had engaged in some mis-conduct that may have led to a negative or adverse affect; Mr. Green felt a little bit of a follow-up would not be a bad idea.
Mr. Green stated he wanted to share with Council on what he had learned. Mr. Green stated if we do have a council member engaging in conduct outside their area that is saying going outside and pursuing school board stuff instead of council stuff we certainly should know about that.
On November 11th, Mr. Green stated he made a phone call to the home of Mr. Richard Denny, owner of Jamaica Run. Found out that Mr. Denny was on vacation in Florida until March. But did speak with his son Mr. Rich Denny, who assured Mr. Green that he could speak on behalf of the Denny family and the ownership of Jamaica Run Golf Course. Mr. Green asked Mr. Denny if he could shed any light on what was going on. Mr. Green admitted he had no idea on what he was getting ready to step into and wanted to have an unbiased opinion. After briefly speaking, Mr. Denny did share with Mr. Green that the Golf Course was coming under some tough times like all businesses have and they had a tough decision that they were facing. Jamaica Run host three schools and the schools from a Golf Course perspective are a drain unlike paying customers. Not total charity, but apparently it is expensive to help the school. Jamaica Run had a decision they had to make. Over the years, they have been supportive of the Carlisle School and the Community has been good to them. Valley View they have a lot of roots there and of course West Carrollton.
Mr. Green stated that what actually Mr. Denny said was “they labored over this decision for a couple of years and didn’t know how they were going to deal with it. They realized it was tough problem. When Carlisle took the last little bit of love they showed Jamaica Run Golf Course and took it to Heatherwood for their Annual Golf Outing that made their decision an easy one. Mr. Green stated those were Mr. Denny’s exact words.
Mr. Denny asked why Mr. Green was asking, Mr. Green shared with Mr. Denny the details of the exchange between Mrs. Branson and Mayor Humphries, until then I didn’t want to bias the conversation any. Mr. Green asked Mr. Denny the question pointedly. “It has been said that there is a concern that perhaps Mayor Humphries influenced staff, management, ownership, is there any truth to that?
Mr. Denny stated “Absolutely not, that is ridiculous” Mr. Green stated that made him feel pretty good about the matter. Mr. Green also realized that he was not talking to Mr. Kidwell whose name came up repeatedly as well as Mr. Griffith.
Mr. Green stated he called Mr. Kidwell; the Interim Manager at Jamaica Run Golf Course put me in contact with Mr. Kidwell, who is also vacationing in Florida and would not be back until March.
In speaking with Mr. Kidwell on the phone his first response was kind of anxious like he expected this to come up. He went on to comment “I know there is a whole lot of scuttle butt going on over there and he said right from the get goes. I sure welcome the opportunity to address anybody in Council and explain to them why we made the decision we made. When I get back in March I will do that.
Mr. Green explained to Mr. Kidwell that he would like to address Council the evening. Mr. Kidwell said if you are going to address Council tonight, Quote me this way “I am Jim Kidwell, Manager of Jamaica Run Golf Course, our decision to terminate the relationship with the High School Golf Team was a decision based on business principals alone. It was not based on any personal reason what so ever and was not based at all on anything Tim Humphries or anyone individual did or did not do or did or did not say”.
Mr. Green asked pointedly. Is there any truth, any merit what so ever to the proposition that Mr. Humphries influenced or made your decision for you? Mr. Kidwell stated that is preposterous, “I don’t know Tim Humphries”.
Mr. Green stated I can’t say whether he does nor doesn’t, but that is what he said to me. I know there was some confusion over Mr. Humphries had ever been there. But, he said he wanted to encourage council members to contact him. Again I know this is a school issue, but we did spend a good deal of time last meeting and I felt it appropriate publicly to explain what I learned. Mr. Green stated he would share with Council that it took 15 minutes to do all this on the phone and a genuine desire to get to the bottom of this. It is distracting from time that we all could spend better. Mr. Green stated I am not here to defend or attack anybody. I do feel it is a shame that Mrs. Branson is not here, because I would take this opportunity to state that a personal apology would be in order but that is not why I came here. I just wanted to make sure Council had the benefit of what Mr. Green had learned.
Mr. Green stated that Mr. Kidwell quoted: “I want to meet with Council, because I’m getting a bloody nose on this and I don’t deserve it.”
Mr. Winkler commented that he spoke with Mark Townsly, Athletic Director at the school. Mr. Townsly stated that when the school district received the phone call from Jamaica Run that the school was no longer allowed to send students there to play golf that message was left on the answer machine. When Mr. Townsly returned the phone call, there was a little bit of a heated conversation and Mr. Kidwell hung up on Mr. Townsly. Mr. Townsly told Mr. Winkler that he drove up to the golf course and told Mr. Kidwell there had been a “bad connection” a second time he would drive up here and talk to him. What Mr. Kidwell said was basically what Mr. Green had stated its no one individual that caused this to happen, they were over loaded with kids. Carlisle and Valley View were two schools that have been there since the Golf Course opened. West Carrollton was the third team to come in. But because one of the owners is from West Carrollton and from what Mr. Green had said earlier about the deep roots of the Denny Family with Germantown that is how those two schools stayed and Carlisle was booted. Mr. Kidwell supposedly made the statement to Mr. Townsly that no one from Carlisle supported Jamaica Run Golf Course and he named the Rich England Golf Outing and that Jamaica is not large enough to have it there, the Carlisle Band Boosters, who have a Golf Outing who doesn’t participate there and Carlisle Park Board who moved there golf outing to Heatherwood because they were able to get a better deal.
Mr. Green stated he spoke with Mr. Denny as a fellow business owner. Mr. Green shared with Mr. Denny that I don’t represent Carlisle. I will in the future but I don’t right now. I certainly don’t
Represents the school. We can clearly see where issues that are in the best interest of the city can conflict and can cause negative consequences to the youth of our city. This is not retaliation at any level but is retaliating against our youths. Mr. Denny did share: “Quote: This is all going to work out and everything will be fine just giving us a few months and will find a solution that works for everybody. Mr. Denny did seem like he was committed to this idea. Mr. Green stated the city decides for their own interest and it should, if we could do a better deal at (Heatherwood or Pipestone) the city has to think about funding the Park Board. They have to make the money they need and not have to think about the consequences it would have on any other group, naturally we need to be aware of the potential rising of conflict of interest. Let’s say anyone who serves on a Park Board or any capacity of the school, sooner or later these two are going to meet and you will have to choose one or the other.
Mr. Green stated he did not speak on behalf of Council or the School. Mr. Green thought if the city Park Board decides for its own financial best interest and procedures a better result they made the right decision.
Mr. Lickliter questioned: Do we know if anybody from the school has approached the Golf Course?
Mr. Winkler commented that Mr. Townsly has spoken with the Golf Course. Right now the school is looking for another place for the student to play, with the students going to Jamaica saved the school money because most of them drove there. Depends on where they go, may cost the school a little more for busing the students to and from practice and golf outings.
Mr. Lickliter questioned Mr. Green: Did you take the opportunity to discuss solving the situation with the school.
Mr. Green stated he did not. Felt that would be over stepping the boundaries. Though would be a wonderful idea but didn’t want to speak for the school at all.
Mr. Lickliter stated he was surprised that Mr. Green took this upon himself to do this in the first placed. Basically you took this upon yourself to represent the council and the city in this example but not the school.
Mr. Green stated no sir! On the very outset. I do not represent the city. I am Bryan Green, John Q, public citizen and wanted to know if you could give me some answers so that I can address council in my capacity as a voting citizen. Mr. Green stated he did not offer any remedy that was not the intent of my phone call – The context of my phone call was strictly information gathering, information that I promised I would share with Council, we did not discuss any remedy. Mr. Green stated it would not have been appropriate for him to seek a remedy on the school behalf even as a council member.
Mr. Green stated that a mixing of the two will have to happen. Certainly the city and school have to work together on situations like this.
Mr. Lickliter commented that we need to be able to sit down and talk and put together goals to work towards.
Mr. Roger Britton -280 Welcome Way questioned if the streets would be in better shape this year than last year. Mrs. Callahan stated that last year there was a shortage of salt throughout Ohio. Salt has already been delivered to the city this year and there is no shortage.
Council Report:
Mrs. Long stated she had attended the Area Progress Breakfast this morning- “Annual Outlook Breakfast” -The speakers were Steve Wilson, President of Lebanon Citizens National Bank and his is also the head of the National Banker’s Associations and Steve Johnson, President of Sinclair College. Mr. Johnson spoke on the Sinclair Extension College in Mason. He commented this was a 3 phase project. The first phase if finishing up. In 2007 they had 300 students attending, 2008 they had 600 and in 2009 there were 1,000 students. They are offering Five Associate Degrees and Nine Certificate Programs.
They are working with a number of Universities in Partnership.
In 2010, dual credit hours will be available to every school in Warren County.
Mr. Wilson spoke on “The Economic Outlook”. He stated that he knew we wanted to hear all sunshine reports. There is some evidence that we are in a small recovery but that we have a long way to go. Concerns for the near future’s unemployment rate is still high and may go higher, we will see more delinquencies on mortgages, and there will be delinquencies on businesses before long, 60% of modified mortgages were alreadyin default again after six months. Comments was that we were possibly in a V pattern where we have hit bottom and starting back up, but more likely we’re in a W pattern, hit bottom come back up and seeing a bear market in a recession as far as stock because they are rising but well be slipping again to another low. Mrs. Long stated Mr. Wilson commented that when this is over Warren County will come out well. A question regarding small businesses loans? These loans are available, credit is not as easy to get as before. Need to have a good business plan, personal money to invest; you can’t get 100% investments anymore. There is money but banks are being conservative on giving it out.
Mrs. Long thanked Council for allowing her to attend the NLC Conference in San Antonio it was very informative. Mrs. Long commented on one session she attended was “Increase in Government Efficiency through Technology” One Council member who was serving on the Panel was from Louisville, KY. Spoke on how they were able to use technology to help better serve their residents and vendors and to save money. Mrs. Long stated that since this was something that was spoken about during the City’s Goal session thought very informative, you can go to to see what they area doing.
Another interesting class was on “Strategies to Promote Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses” This regards partnership between government and private investors in order to encourage new resources for small business and to develop. Mr. Earl Bagley’s message was “You don’t have to invest in a lot of money to help with the environment. You don’t have to go through all kinds of fancy things. Start with very simple things and as you get into it and save money then you can get into it deeper, but start with very very simple things. Mrs. Long stated that she had information that she would be passing on to the City Manager in regards to these sessions.
Mr. Lickliter stated that he has not had the opportunity to go to a conference, but imagined these seminars are attended by large cities and he imagined that the large cities are the ones that contributes and put these on, is that true?
Mrs. Long stated not totally there are cities as small as 200 people who attend. There is a wide variety and yes there is a lot that maybe too expensive for a city our size to do, but we choose the sessions that would benefit our city. Another source of information is from vendors and talking with other people.
Mr. Lickliter asked do they have sessions for smaller cities. Mrs. Long stated Yes.
Mrs. Thompson stated some ideas come through small cities council which she is a member of. All councils have the same problems but they have solutions on how they arrive at solving them.
Mr. Lickliter commented that he just wanted to be sure we’re getting the value for the money, we can bring information back that we can actually use.
Mayor Humphries expanded that there is one more level and that is the Ohio Municipal League, which offers similar vendors, and some of the same things which could have the same cities attending and also a town of 52 people could be there. Levels of networkings are through Area Progress, Warren County Municipal League, Ohio Municipal League, and National League of Cities. This is also according to your availability which one you would like to attend.
Mr. Lickliter commented that many of our citizens in the past have questioned the reason we attend these seminars. We need to let the residents know we do bring valuable information back and maybe as we bring up improvements we can refer back to the conference that the council members attended.
Mrs. Long stated she is very conscious about attending these seminars and feels obligated to spend her time there learning.
Mr. Lickliter commented that we have talked about a travel policy. Are we going to include in our policy as we attend these seminars that we will report back. Mayor stated that when signing up for the seminars there is a tri fold that you fill out to alert the press with this information and also includes the reason why you are attending and what you have learned.
Mr. Lickliter stated that both Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Long brought back information to share with council. Can we share the information with our citizens, possibly in the billing information?
Mrs. Thompson stated we do receive press packets but unfortunately the press does not always print what you send to them
Mrs. Callahan stated she has several items that she will be bringing forth. One item is Recreation “A Kaboom Playful City Program” This involves a lot of relationship building with private industries that have the money to help. Kaboom is a non-profit organization that will put you in touch with donors and then we have to rally the forces here at home to get volunteers to help build. We will still have to contribute a little bit of city money, Unfortunately, we don’t have a huge business in town, but we do have P&G and Lexus Nexus that are close. Mrs. Callahan has information to help guide us on this kind of project.
Another item that doesn’t cost anything would be the Community Convent. This is done with the Armed Forces and they give you guidelines to get started. This is public recognition of those serving in the Armed forces.
Mrs. Long stated our city is very fortunate due to conservative money management in the past. We are not in the financial shape like other cities. We can afford to go to these conferences.
Mrs. Thompson stated she would like to thank this council for allowing her to attend the National League of Cities.
Mrs. Thompson reported on this conference as she has done on all the other conferences that she has attended in the past. Mrs. Thompson stated all previous conferences reports have been documented on tape during the council meeting.
Mrs. Thompson stated she attended two General Sessions: Exercising the Need for Cities to Work Together and Follow Environmental Saving Practices. Sustain availability during these Economic Times was a big focus for this conference.
Mrs. Thompson attended four work sessions. Included Health Care Reform; How it affects our city budget by using local assets; to reinvent our economy; Leading and Communicating in Time of Crisis and helping your city cope during fiscal crisis. Mrs. Thompson stated she would be forwarding the entire demo to the City Manager for her review.
Mrs. Thompson attended the National Human Development Committee Meeting. Serves as a National Representative of Ohio and contributed to all the new resolutions for next year. These involve many issues regarding the Workforce Development Act, Teen Pregnancy and Veterans Issues. Copies will be given to Flo to have on file for everyone to review.
Mrs. Thompson stated she participated in the National Small Cities Council. This was an excellent meeting brought home a lot of good points that apply to our city. How important it to communicate on everything your doing to the community and it is important to combine services such as: dispatch, we have already looked at what the future may bring for us regarding that. A common problem is that the money is not coming down from the state to the cities. All cities have the same problems.
Emphasized that we need to call this (3R’s) Reduce, Recycle and Reuse to save money in our budget regarding anything going on at Town Hall, Service Dept. Etc. We need to balance economics with Environmental Issues that was a real plus and some of the Economic Development assets Carlisle needs to concentrate on is high traffic count, young workforce, University research programs. Mrs. Thompson stated that one of the big things that would bring a lot of Economic Development to the community if we had a Community College.
Mrs. Thompson stated she works with Mike Griffith on a special Community Committee working towards our school’s future. I do it as a private citizen and want to discuss with him on some of these items that she received from the seminar. Look down the road at possibly bringing Sinclair into the city by offering some classes here in the city. Do want to Thank Council for allowing Mrs. Thompson to attend. Brought back a lot of ideas.
Mr. Lickliter commented on many cities are facing reduction in revenues. In any of the sessions did they speak on how any of them were able to mitigate the impact of this?
Mrs. Thompson stated one thing they kept mentioning was sustainability. Keep our services as high as you can and sustain your services, make cuts and work with combining services if we need to down the road. That maybe the direction for the Joint Fire District, they are really concentrating on that. Mrs. Thompson stated she knows at the state level they are starting to push that direction on consolidating services. Don’t mean contracting services but consolidating where everybody shares in the cost and
responsibility. Basically what the city may have to look at in the future.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor asked to schedule a work session on January 12th, will get with City Manager on Topics.
Manager’s Report:
Mrs. Callahan stated Council and Department Heads attended a Retreat on October 31, 2009 and developed combined goals for 2010. If Council agrees with the final report, she would like to publish the report for public.
Mrs. Thompson made a motion to publish the document to the public, seconded by Mr. Lickliter.
Roll call: Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye; Mr. Lickliter, aye; Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, aye; Mr. Winkler, aye.
Mrs. Callahan stated will report quarterly on the progress of obtaining City goals.
Mrs. Callahan wished everyone a Happy Holiday and that the City Offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday.
Tree Light Service will be held on December 7th at 7pm. This year’s memory tree is in memory of Pat Long. Former Mayor of Carlisle. Will go to the New Jersey Presbyterian Church afterwards for hot chocolate and cookies. Home Decorating Contest will be held on December 16th. Santa Breakfast will be held on December 12th at 9am. This is a Lions Club Event. Reservations can be made on line this year at the City website.
Discussion: $1,162.50 additional for legal expenses related to the Campbell cases. Grand total is $8100.00. Need $1,700 to be moved from one line to another for fire extinguisher replacement and testing.
Mr. Lickliter made a motion to suspend the rules requiring three readings, have one reading by title only, and declaring an emergency. Seconded by Mr. Winkler.
Roll call: Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, aye; Mr. Winkler, aye; Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye; Mr. Lickliter, aye.
Mr. Lickliter made a motion to adopt the Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Winkler.
Ordinance passed of this day will be entered into Ordinance Record Book as 26-09.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Discussion: This ordinance is on for the second reading and will be on the next agenda for third and final reading.
Mr. Lickliter explained to the public the reason for the three readings are for anyone who has any questions may come to a meeting or Town Hall and ask questions regarding the ordinances and resolutions before passage.
There being no further business Mr. Bowles made a motion to adjourn into executive session for the purpose of litigation to discuss pending and imminent court action, not to return to regular session for action. Seconded by Mrs. Long.
Roll call: Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye; Mr. Lickliter, aye; Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, aye; Mr. Winkler, aye.
Meeting adjourned at 8PM.
Council adjourned in to executive session at 8:06, Mr. Lickliter made a motion to adjourn into regular session at 8:16pm for no action to be taken, seconded from Mr. Winkler.
Roll call: Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye; Mr. Lickliter, aye; Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, aye; Mr. Winkler, aye.
There being no further business Mr. Lickliter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Winkler.
Roll call: Mr. Bowles, aye; Mayor Humphries, aye; Mr. Lickliter, aye; Mrs. Long, aye; Mrs. Thompson, aye; Mr. Winkler, aye.
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- Local Group in the Dorito's Crash the Super Bowl C...
- ► November 2009 (20)
- ► October 2009 (13)
- ► September 2009 (9)
- ► August 2009 (10)
- ► April 2009 (2)
December 2009