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Franklin, Ohio Historical Sign
This is an audio message from current Franklin Township Trustees Beth Callahan and Ron Ruppert.

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1 Response to 'Message from Franklin Township Trustees Callahan and Ruppert'

  1. Sharon Byrd
    https://carlisledaily-city.blogspot.com/2009/11/message-from-franklin-township-trustees.html?showComment=1257443071347#c1238834830885849486'> November 5, 2009 at 9:44 AM

    Hey Franklin Township Trustees, I am very impressed with your audio statement. I hope the mayor and council members of the city of Carlisle and the Franklin Township trustees along with the Franklin Mayor and their Council members continue to all work together to make this entire region a hotbed of cooperation, mutual respect and a perfect example of adjacent communities working together for the success of the whole.


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